Yoga For Digestion

Being human, in this physical body, digestion is so important to our existence. Our digestive tract breaks down food into the energy we need to function. If you have ever been someone who has suffered from digestive issues you know you would do anything to relieve the pressure and pain. If your issues didn't become painful, you still may have experienced digestive issues at one time or another in your life that felt like bloating, indigestion or not having a bowel movement for a couple days and feeling the "back up".

When our digestion is off it affects everything. We are sluggish, low energy, unmotivated, our minds are cloudy, and this is all because our body is not working effectively. Yoga is a natural way to keep the digestive system moving and keeping the pipes clean (if you know what I mean). Rather than reach for a pill or drink for relief try to use the body for its own benefit. It will thank you.

In addition to this yoga practice there is a hand movement that can help with your digestion as well. Take one hand and wrap it around your thumb and squeeze. You can switch hands and switch thumbs. As you are doing this take some deep breaths and release tension in the lower body. Be mindful and intentional about what you are doing.

There is room and necessary in our world for modern medicine. I believe we can live in balance and harmony with what it has to offer and we do need it. I also believe there is SO much wisdom within the body and that the body is (or can be) the most efficient “machine” on earth. We have learned to think our way through our bodily issues and numb the body rather then rely on it to reveal to us what we need to do. Through our yoga practice we create space for the wisdom of the body to be felt and heard, this is why there are so many benefits to the practice of yoga.

This short yoga sequence is designed to get the digestive system moving and keep it moving. Always keep in mind that you don't need to get to the point of suffering before you start to maintain your health. Implementing this short practice a few times into your week will help keep everything maintained and moving. Also know that when you are in class each twist you do is helping to maintain your gut health, so keep showing up to class!

The light in me sees, honours, reflects and encourages the light in each of you.



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