Accessing Your Inner Wisdom Through Yoga

Yoga changes you. Doing the practice of yoga has an effect on the human body, thoughts, emotions, and the deeper part of the self. Being consistent is an important factor. Creating space in your daily life for your health, wellness, wisdom and wellbeing will ripple out into your life in ways you can not predict.

Wisdom in the Body

You may feel yourself getting stronger physically. You may find that you are experiencing an increase in mobility, moving with more ease. You may feel the body more all around, having more body awareness. You may find that you have more energy throughout the day. You may become more aware of tension in the body, more sensation in the body, knowing that tension and sensation are nothing to fear, it is simply the bodies way of letting you know that you have some energy to work through which happens through the practice of yoga. You may feel more relaxed in the body and able to let go physically. You may find that you crave more water or have a change in your bowel movements or eating habits. There are many possibilities of change within the body. This comes from your increase in awareness and creating the space for the body to communicate its needs rather then just be on autopilot. It is through the creation of space that you are able to access healing, health and vitality. This is the bodies wisdom and you then have the opportunity to honour and act on that wisdom.

Wisdom in the Mind

You may find yourself thinking differently. You may find that you are more patient with others and yourself. You may begin to look for the silver lining in situations, looking for the positive aspects of your life experiences. You may find more focus and clarity within the mind as you work through the fog or darkness. You may find that light shines into the cracks of your mind. Through the practice of yoga we focus the mind and the mind is just like any other muscle in our body. As we “exercise” our mind through the focus of our practice we are able to more easily choose our thoughts. Through choosing our thoughts we are able to break through ideas of thought that may be limiting us or keeping us down. Know that as you practice consistently you are creating new pathways in the brain and reprogramming the mind. With this reprogramming you are creating the opportunity for new ways of being.

Wisdom in Emotions

You may find that you are able to manage your emotions with more ease. You may find that you feel more as you open your heart through the practice of yoga. You may feel the barriers around your heart begin to lift as you welcome in more love. You may become aware that your emotions are commented to your thoughts and as you practice choosing your thoughts you have the power and freedom to also choose your emotions. You may find that you are able to control your emotions and your reactions due to your increased awareness. You may find that you feel lighter because your practice allows you to process emotions. Know that this does not mean that you won’t experience the full spectrum of emotions, that is part of the beautiful human experience, but you may find that you don’t get stuck on emotions, that you are able to process and move along. You may find that you are able to really feel your emotions through the increase in emotional wisdom that yoga offers.

Wisdom in the Heart and/or Soul and/or Spirit

You may find that you are feeling an opening in your heart. You may find that you are experiencing synchronicities in your life. You may find new opportunities opening up for you. You may find that you are feeling more aligned and in flow with life as a whole. You may find that you are feeling less resistance and more ease and joy. You may feel more love for yourself and others through your practice. You may feel the connection that goes beyond your physical self. This is living from the heart or soul or spirit. As we practice and embrace the deeper part of our being, we begin to acknowledge that we are so much more then our physical body and that we are connected to a bigger picture and that we are important and worthy of that connection. This is your wisdom, your intuition, your innate love that is accessible to you in every moment of every day and through our practice we are able to connect, to remove the illusion of separateness to feel as one.

There is wisdom within us and through the practice of yoga we are able to tap into that wisdom and allow it to rise to the surface of our consciousness. It is not in some, it is in all. Your wisdom may manifest differently than in others, and that is ok, that is the beauty of us being on this earth, on this human journey together, as a unique expression of the divine. May you embrace your own wisdom and create the space to respect that in others through your yoga practice.


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