Benefits Of Meditation

We can simplify the definition of meditation to connection to the present moment.

It really can be that simple. Anytime we are in the living moment it is a form of meditation. When we are talking in the world around us and within us as it is in the here and now. This is what makes yoga and breath work such a powerful tool in doing meditation. We are having to focus our minds on what we are doing with our bodies in yoga and what we are doing with our breath during breath practice. This is why it is so powerful when we combine both movement and breath. That being said, we don’t; have to wait for yoga class to create or have a meditation practice. Yoga and breath are simply tools.

We can practice meditation ANYTIME and ANYWHERE.

Mental health benefits of meditation:

  • reduce stress

  • increase awareness

  • increase the feeling of clam

  • decrease in anxiety and depression

  • increase in mental resilience

  • increase satisfaction in life

  • feeling of well-being

  • feeling of connection

  • mental clarity

Physical benefits of meditation:

  • supports a healthy nervous system

  • manages stress hormones and even helps to stop them from being unnecessarily produced

  • prevention of stroke

  • regulation of blood sugars

  • support immune function

  • regulation of all hormones

  • lower blood pressure

  • increase oxygen absorption

  • DNA stability

  • reduces inflammation throughout the body

Emotional benefits of meditation

  • allows us to soothe negative emotions and cultivate positive

  • rewiring the brain to manage emotions

  • decrease negative neurological connections to dampen traits of fear, stress, and anxiety

  • increase emotional regulation and problem-solving

  • increase memory

  • decrease in negative emotions such as aggression

  • increase in the ability to accept feedback

  • increase in positive emotions

  • helps us to be present and process any emotions we feel

How To Create A Meditation Practice:

  1. Make time in your schedule to meditate. Give yourself this time, even if it’s only 5 minutes. Sit with yourself and breathe. Do this multiple times a day if you can.

  2. Create space to meditate, whether it be in your home, outdoors (recommended), going to a yoga class or doing walking meditation. All options are great and you may find that it is easier for you to connect in one way over another.

  3. Set an intention for your meditation practice. Where do you want your focus to be? You decide and come back to that focal point over and over.

  4. Be consistent with your practice so you can experience the benefits. Consistency is key if you want the full benefits of this practice.

  5. Find a friend to keep you accountable. This might make it easier to commit and keep your commitments. May it won't.

  6. Keep a journal of your experiences. Self-reflection is a powerful practice for growth. There may be things that come up during your meditation that are important and if you don’t take the time to acknowledge them you may miss taking action. This can also help you stay inspired to keep showing up.

My Personal Experience With Mediation

I have been meditating consistently for 15+ years. My relationship with mediation has evolved over the years. I have learned to adapt to what I need during different times in my life. It is through trying different techniques that I am able to find what I need. I use meditation to manifest and visualize my goals, process emotions, soothe my mind and relax my body. I use many different tools like binaural beats, guided meditations and visualizations, nature, and my breath. Trust your instincts to know what you need when you sit. You are your greatest teacher and guide.

Meditation has taught me to savour life more. When I get too focused on the future I am able to come back to the present and see things more clearly from where I am. Being submerged in the present moment is a very soothing state to every aspect of my being.

I think the biggest misconception is the amount of time that can create true benefits in life. It is much less than people think. 15 minutes a day connected to the present moment can change everything. That being said if you are doing a 45-minute yoga class or are able to sit for longer periods of time you have the opportunity to keep deepening your connection. Do what you can with what you have and don’t force anything more or expect that. things need to be different. Trust that as you practice you will want to devote more time to your meditation practice, the practice will lead you there.

If you want to try a beginner’s meditation I have a 4-week beginner’s series. In this series, you sit for different lengths of time for one week at a time. Access this for free!


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